
Policy Authority & Implementation

If you have questions about policy ask an instructor using piazza (if the nature of the question is confidential please do a post to just the instructors, but include both of us: Ron Cytron and Bill Siever; if the issue is truly sensitive, an individual email or meeting during office hours is best).  Only the instructors (not TAs) should be approached with questions of policy. 

Both instructors and TAs are dedicated helping you learn (and hopefully love) computer science.  We are also dedicated to treating all students fairly and consistently, so we will be inflexible in the application of the rules and policies described here.  We have intentionally structured the course to allow students to overcome almost all setbacks that occur during the semester (unexpected absences, short illness, etc.), however, you may need to be proactive to take advantage of these opportunities.

Special consideration will only be considered if:

  • the request comes from an appropriate staff member, like engineering student services, a counselor, etc., with an appropriate justification for special consideration, and
  • there is an on-going issue that effects multiple aspects of course work over a prolonged period of time.

Every semester a student will tell us that a TA clarified a policy to that student in a way that goes against our written policies. The TAs are instructed not to address policy issues and we routinely point the misled student to the posted policies.

Major Policies Concern

Graded Course Components

Component Contribution to overall grade
Exams (best 3 of 4;  Feb. 11, Mar. 18, Apr. 11, & Final Apr. 30) 30%
Labs (weekly) 25%
Extensions 1 (by Feb. 12) 9% (and up to 1% extra credit)
Extensions 2 (by Mar. 19) 9% (and up to 1% extra credit)
Extensions 3 (by Apr 18) 6% (and up to 1% extra credit)
Studios (weekly) 8%
Project (Apr 23) 6%
Quizzes (weekly) 2%
Exercises (weekly; before studio) 2%
Pre-Studio Synthesis & Questions (weekly; before studio) 2%
Course Evaluations (Apr. 30) 1%

General grading issues

Grading errors / Corrections

Grading errors need to be reported within one calendar week of the item being demoed (labs, extensions, project), due (quizzes, exercises, and questions), or returned (exams).  Errors will not be corrected if they are not reported within this time frame.

Late Work / Absences / Etc.

There is no opportunity to make up late work or reschedule most components of the course (exercises, quizzes, questions, exams, extensions). There are limited opportunities to make up Studios and to submit Labs late (see below).



Exam 1 (details here):  Feb. 11; Arrive by 6:15pm; Exam starts promptly at 6:30pm!

Exam 2 (details here):  Mar. 18; Arrive by 6:15pm; Exam starts promptly at 6:30pm!

Exam 3 (details here):  Apr. 11; Arrive by 6:15pm; Exam starts promptly at 6:30pm!

Final (details here): Apr 30; Arrive by 12:45pm; Exam starts promptly at 1:00pm!

Absences / No Makeups

There will be no make up exams or alternate exam times under any circumstances
The lowest of the four scores will be dropped, which can accommodate absences due to an emergency.

We do allow other WashU faculty members to proctor the exam for school-related travel. There are some restrictions:  1) A faculty member must contact us a week in advance and indicate a willingness to proctor the exam, 2) The proctor must be present for the duration of the exam and enforce the same conditions as an on-campus exam, 3) The exam must start and end at the same times as it would if it were taken on campus (we will e-mail PDFs of the exams to the proctor 30 minutes before the start of the on-campus exam; they are responsible for printing them), 4) The proctor must e-mail a record of completed work within 1 hour of the end of the on-campus exam (clear, legible cell phone photos of each page are acceptable), 5) The proctor must return the written exams within 5 calendar days.  

Grading Concerns

Following the return of each exam there will be a brief period (approximately 1 week) where you may request problems be regrades.  The process will be described when exams are returned.  Re-grade requests will not be accepted after this period and any requests outside of the designated period will be ignored.

A request may trigger regrades of the entire exam.  A regrade may result in a lower grade, so proceed with caution. 



Labs are individual programming projects that correspond to the module's topics. Each lab is assigned to all students. 


Labs will be due weekly (except during the three exam/extension weeks). Start assignments right away, so you have time to complete them and submit them by the due date. If you wait until the last minute and get stuck, you may have trouble getting help. Also, by finishing labs on time, you will be ready to start each new lab as soon as it is assigned.

Submission / demos

Labs are due during lab times. You are required to demo your work to a TA or instructor in our lab spaces, during our class's lab times, and only by a TA who is officially on duty.  

Prior to signing up for a demo you should ensure: 1) code passes any tests or example problems, 2) code is written as clearly as possible, 3) code conforms to style standards, and 4) your final work is on bitbucket (via a Commit and Push).

Late work / Missed work / Error submitting

Each student is issued three (3) virtual late coupons for use during this semester. A coupon can be used to extend the time of one lab by exactly one week. No penalty will be assessed for the late lab, but the virtual coupon will be consumed. Using a late coupon is the only mechanism for submitting a lab late, and at most one coupon can be spent on any lab.  When demoing your work inform the TA that you are using a late coupon and demoing the work that was due the prior week.

Early Work

Work can be demoed early if resources permit (generally Studio days are too busy to support early submission.  Lab due dates can be used if it doesn't interfere with demoing currently due items).  TAs are generally prepared for demoing the current material and may choose not to perform demos if they are not adequately prepared.  



Extension problems provide an opportunity to apply your programming skills to problems that may be especially appealing to you.

There are three batches of extension problems, each worth a percentage of your grade as shown in the table above.

Each extension problem is worth a designated number of points.  For full credit you need to complete at least 30 points of extension problems in batches 1 and 2;  only 15 points of extension problems must be completed to receive full credit in batch 3. 1 point of extension credit usually corresponds to 18 minutes of effort (and is worth 0.32% of your overall grade).   Thus, 30 points of extension credit represent around 9 hours of work! Pace yourself!!!

Extra Credit: Each extra point of extension credit above 30 or 15 points is worth 0.2% of course extra credit (up to a maximum of 1% credit per batch). This provides three opportunities to earn 1% extra credit in the course (and compensate for errors, omissions, and poor performance in other components of the course).  


Submissions for batch 1 are accepted until Feb. 12. (Feb. 12 will be an extension fest; the entire class session will be used for any last-minute extension demos)

Submissions for batch 2 are accepted until Mar. 19 (which is also an extension fest).

Submission for batch 3 are accepted until Apr. 18 (which is also an extension fest).


Extensions may be demoed during class sessions with some restrictions: 

Demos can be done during studio sessions if you have done a thorough job on the studio and completed it. 

Demos can be done during normal lab days, but when you sign up for a demo you can only demo one item.  After doing a demo you can sign up for a second demo of additional extensions (i.e., demos will be done in a fair, round-robin fashion to ensure equal access to TAs). 

Prior to signing up for a demo you should ensure: 1) code passes any tests or replicates sample runs, 2) code is written as clearly as possible, 3) code conforms to style standards, and 4) your final work is on bitbucket (via a Commit and Push).

Late work / Missed work / Error submitting

Extensions will not be accepted late for any reason.  You are expected to pace your work and demo them when completed. 



Studio sessions are an opportunity for collaborative, hands-on work with the course content during class time.  You are strongly encourage to work in small groups (2-3 people).  Studios also provide an opportunity for you to have questions answered by TAs and instructors. 


Studios will be done weekly during class sessions. Most studios are open ended.  You're expected to make an honest effort to explore the concepts and make progress, but you are not required to complete. 


You are required to demo your work to a TA or instructor during our class's lab times and only by a TA who is officially on duty.  

Prior to signing up for a demo you should ensure your final work is on bitbucket (via a Commit and Push).

Late work / Missed work / Error submitting

Studios may be made up either: 1) during another lab session on that same day or 2) TA office hours within two weeks of the original date.  In either case you should request a makeup via a private post on piazza: 1) Click on "New Post", 2) Pick "Individual Student(s) / Instructor(s)" and enter "Instructors" in the to-box, 3) Select the  "studio_absence" folder, 4) Use the subject "Studio X Absence" (where X is the number of the studio), 5) Write a brief description of why your absence should be excused.  Acceptable reasons include religious observances, job interviews, funeral attendance, travel for academically related reasons, etc.



An individual programming project allowing you to demonstrate a variety of course concepts. 


It will be assigned during the last few weeks of the semester.


You are required to demo your work to a TA or instructor during our class's lab times and only by a TA who is officially on duty.  

Prior to signing up for a demo you should ensure your final work is on bitbucket (via a Commit and Push).

Late work / Missed work / Error submitting

Projects will not be accepted after the late demo date for any reason.  You are expected to pace your work and demo it when completed. 



On-line quizzes over content from a preceding module. 


Due by 11:59pm one week after the associated lab (i.e., the last possible day to complete a lab if a late coupon is used).


Quizzes will be completed on-line in Canvas.  You may submit the quiz as many times as you'd like. The best score will be used .

Late work / Missed work / Error submitting

There will be no make up quizzes or alternate quiz times under any circumstances.  Each submission is worth a very small part of your overall grade (0.22%; A single point of extra credit on extensions is worth 0.2%).



Exercises are small problems that you are expected to work through as you review the prep material prior to studios.  


Due by 11:59p the night before the corresponding studio sessions. 


Your final work should be on bitbucket by the due date (via a Commit and Push).

Late work / Missed work / Error submitting

There will be no make ups under any circumstances.  Each exercise is worth a very small part of your overall grade (~0.06%; A single point of extra credit on extensions is worth 0.2%)

Pre-Studio Synthesis & Questions


We ask that you write a brief review of the preparation material for each module before the corresponding studio session.  Each week you will need to provide some some very brief responses that will: 1) summarize what you feel is important from the material and 2) allow you to ask any questions that may have arisen as you were preparing (and if you don't have any questions, we ask that you propose a question you feel a peer may have). Questions will typically be answered by TAs during the studio session.  


Due by 11:59p the night before the corresponding studio sessions. 


Complete the on-line form from the link on Canvas.

Late work / Missed work / Error submitting

There will be no make ups under any circumstances.  Each submission is worth a very small part of your overall grade (0.22% percent; A single point of extra credit on extensions is worth 0.2%)

Course Evaluations 


You receive credit for this by completing the course evaluation near the end of the semester. 


Near the end of the semester you will receive an e-mail notifying you that course evaluations are available.  We will also post a reminder on Piazza.  We would like the evaluations to be completed by Apr. 30. 

Letter Grades

Letter grades (or pass/fail) will be determined by overall course score. No rounding is performed on your semester score: you must have at least the stated number of points to earn the associated grade. 

Score Grade Option Pass/Fail Option
93 A Pass
90 A-
87 B+
83 B
80 B-
77 C+
73 C
70 C-
60 D Fail
0 F
  • An A+ grade is given at the discretion of the instructors. It is usually based on A level performance with the course material as well as substantially more work on the extensions.  This past semesters few A+s were awarded and the were generally only awarded to students who completed all extensions. 
  • It's common for students to ask for opportunities to improve their final grade at the end of the semester.  In order to be fair to all students, we must respond that there is nothing we can do. The course includes opportunities for extra credit at designated times and course policies are designed to help students overcome expected problems that may hinder performance on any single thing.    
  • If you want to earn a good grade:  put in sufficient time, get help when necessary, pay attention to piazza and all course announcements. 

Collaboration & academic integrity

Academic integrity is an essential characteristic of any scholar!  Anyone suspected of cheating on any assignment in this course will be referred to the Dean's office in Engineering Student Services (303 Lopata Hall).

We regularly run programs that detect plagiarism on coding assignments.  These tools are very effective and the evidence they produce is difficult to refute. The bottom line is that if you are cheating you will get caught, and the consequences are not worth it: see below.

To avoid problems, it is important to understand what forms of collaboration are encouraged and which forms constitute cheating. Please read this carefully and ask questions as needed. (Questions should be directed to an instructor, not TAs)

You are encouraged to work with other students on your assignments, and to help other students find and fix problems in their programs, provided that you comply with the following conditions:

  • Honestly represent your work. The material you turn in for course credit must be a fair representation of your own work, preformed specifically for that particular assignment. Copying another's work is strictly prohibited. You can't even copy your own work from another course or from another offering of the course you are taking.
  • Give help appropriately. Your TAs receive training concerning how to help students in this course. You have probably not received that training. When helping someone, you are not allowed to give them a solution. It's always important to take the time to help someone think through the problem and develop the solution. Often, this can be accomplished by asking them a series of leading questions. Remember the old saying:Give someone a fish and they'll eat for a day.
    Teach someone to fish and they'll eat for a lifetime.
  • Give credit for help received. If you receive help from people (besides the TAs and the instructor), you must list their names where appropriate using comments in the material you submit.
  • Work in groups only when allowed.
    • Studio work is collaborative and is always performed in groups of two to three people. Working in groups can be beneficial because you can discuss concepts, review possible alternatives, and catch each other's mistakes.
    • Labs and extensions must be completed individually, not in groups.
    • If in doubt, ask your instructor.  Be sure to ask in advance if you have any doubts about whether a certain type of collaboration is acceptable.


    Don't do this Instead do this
    Show somebody your code or look at somebody else's code. Even if your intentions are just to learn something, the act of seeing somebody else's code is against our policy. Also there is a good chance some of what you see will end up in your solution, which is plagiarism. Talk about your at a conceptual level. You can use a board or paper to diagram ideas. Just don't write code down!
    Dictate solutions to somebody. Telling somebody what to write down step by step is no different than showing that person your code. Have a conversation about where the person is stuck. Make suggestions using prose about how to move forward. If there is a programming construct, such as recursion or iteration that you feel is helpful, suggest that the person think along those lines but do not express your advice in code.
    Look at or copy solutions from the Internet. Use the Internet to look at other problems or to find resources to help you learn the material. Your searches should be concept-driven, not code-driven.
    Post your solutions. If a student copies your code, that student and you are each guilty of violating our academic integrity policy. Keep your solutions to yourself, in the private repository we have provided.
    Let somebody use your computer. You may have good intentions, but students have been found in violation of academic integrity by loaining a computer to another student, who then plagiarized code from the loaned computer. Point out that the Urbauer Labs are open 24/7 and offer computers for all students to use.
    Help a student debug a program by taking control of the debugging process. This causes you to look at another student's code, which is not allowed, and also it is likely you will find or fix the problem without the student learning how to do such things without your help. Make suggestions about how to debug, or how to use the debugger.

    Point out the many TA hours we offer during which students can be helped past such sticking points.

    What happens if I am suspected of violating the academic integrity rules for this course?

    • All cases will be referred to the academic dean of SEAS office. That office hosts an Academic Integrity Officer (AIO) who will do the following.
    • The AIO will contact the student and present the case that the student may have violated our rules.
    • The student must respond by either admitting that the rules were violated, or by asking for a hearing.
    • If a hearing is required, it usually takes place within two weeks.
    • If the student admits guilt or has been found in violation, then then the following ensues:
      • The infraction is reported to the university for filing in the student's permanent record.
        The infraction can be reported to graduate schools, employers, or government agencies on their request.
      • A sanction is imposed that has been agreed upon by the AIO and the course instructors. The instructors will recommend that the sanction be as follows. 
        • If this offense is the student's first violation in this or any course, the sanction recommended will be a one-letter grade deduction on the final grade for this course.  For example, if the student would have otherwise earned an A-, then a B- grade will be imposed.
        • If the student has been previously found to be in violation of academic integrity policies in this or any other course at Washington University, then an F will be imposed as the students final grade.  In this case, a special grade report will be submitted recording the F even if the student withdraws from the course.

Additional course support

Learning Support

Washington University is committed to providing accommodations and/or services to students with documented disabilities. Students who are seeking support for a disability or a suspected disability should contact Disability Resources Links to an external site. at (314) 935-4153. Disability Resources is responsible for approving all disability-related accommodations for WU students, and students are responsible for providing faculty members with formal documentation of their approved accommodations at least two weeks prior to using those accommodations. We will accept Disability Resources VISA forms by email and personal delivery. If you have already been approved for accommodations, I request that you provide me with a copy of your VISA within the first two weeks of the semester.

Victims of Sexual Assault

The University is committed to offering reasonable academic accommodations to students who are victims of sexual assault. Students are eligible for accommodation regardless of whether they seek criminal or disciplinary action. Depending on the specific nature of the allegation, such measures may include but are not limited to: implementation of a no-contact order, course/classroom assignment changes, and other academic support services and accommodations. If you need to request such accommodations, please direct your request to Kim Webb (kim_webb@wustl.edu), Director of the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center Links to an external site.. Ms. Webb is a confidential resource; however, requests for accommodations will be shared with the appropriate University administration and faculty. The University will maintain as confidential any accommodations or protective measures provided to an individual student so long as it does not impair the ability to provide such measures.

If a student comes to me to discuss or disclose an instance of sexual assault, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, or if I otherwise observe or become aware of such an allegation, I will keep the information as private as I can, but as a faculty member of Washington University, I am required to immediately report it to my Department Chair or Dean or directly to Ms. Jessica Kennedy, the University’s Title IX Director. If you would like to speak with directly Ms. Kennedy directly, she can be reached at (314) 935-3118, jwkennedy@wustl.edu, or by visiting the Title IX office Links to an external site. in Umrath Hall. Additionally, you can report incidents or complaints to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards or by contacting WUPD at (314) 935-5555 or your local law enforcement agency. See: Title IX Links to an external site.

You can also speak confidentially and learn more about available resources at the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center by calling (314) 935-8761 or visiting the 4th floor of Seigle Hall. See: RSVP Center Links to an external site.

Bias Reporting

The University has a process through which students, faculty, staff and community members who have experienced or witnessed incidents of bias, prejudice or discrimination against a student can report their experiences to the University’s Bias Report and Support System (BRSS) team. See: brss.wustl.edu Links to an external site.

Mental Health

Mental Health Services’ professional staff members work with students to resolve personal and interpersonal difficulties, many of which can affect the academic experience. These include conflicts with or worry about friends or family, concerns about eating or drinking patterns, and feelings of anxiety and depression. See: shs.wustl.edu/MentalHealth Links to an external site.

Correspondence with Instructors

Please use Piazza for all correspondence with instructors.  Please direct posts as generically as possible to get the fastest response:

Simple questions and concerns should be posted to the entire class. (Questions about assignments should be made generic and not refer extensively to your work)
Questions that contain something very specific to your work, like significant parts of your work, or about grading concerns, can generally be directed to "Instructors", which includes all TA and the professors.
Truly confidential matters can be communicated via a private post directed to just Ron Cytron and Bill Siever.  (Please include both instructors if possible to ensure the fastest possible response)

Piazza participation is often used to help us select potential TAs for future semesters.  We may also award modest extra credit for Piazza participation (a #bonuspoint a great question or answer is worth 0.1% extra credit up to a maximum of 1%)