Course Syllabus
Course Description:
An introduction to software concepts and implementation, emphasizing problem solving through abstraction and decomposition. Introduces processes and algorithms, procedural abstraction, data abstraction, encapsulation, and object-oriented programming. Recursion, iteration, and simple data structures are covered. Concepts and skills are mastered through programming projects, many of which employ graphics to enhance conceptual understanding. Java, an object-oriented programming language, is the vehicle of exploration. Active-learning sessions are conducted in a studio setting in which students interact with each other and the professor to solve problems collaboratively. Prerequisites: Comfort with algebra and geometry at the high school level is assumed. Patience, good planning, and organization will promote success.
Learning Outcomes:
Be able to create programs from "scratch" to solve modest computational problems.
Be able to create a class for a defined concept
Be able to make use of basic collections to solve problems
Be able to utilize a new API based on "typical documentation" (Ex: Javadoc docs for Java)
- Familiarity with basic control structures and flow within a computer program (loops, if statements, methods
Be able to explain the differences between basic collections (Set, List, and Map)
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |