Course Syllabus

The Spring 2019 Semester Policies Page has many details relevant to the summer version.


Graded Course Components

note: this table includes links to the Spring 2019 Semester Polices Page, as well.

Component Contribution to overall grade
Exam (Final Exam Only, Sep. 3rd 6-8PM) 30%
Labs (weekly) 25%
Extensions 1 (by Jun. 27) 9% (and up to 1% extra credit)
Extensions 2 (by Jul. 18) 9% (and up to 1% extra credit)
Extensions 3 (by Aug. 15) 6% (and up to 1% extra credit)
Studios (weekly) 8%
Project (not included in summer) (100% for all) 6%
Quizzes (weekly) 2%
Exercises (weekly; before studio) (100% for all) 2%
Pre-Studio Synthesis & Questions (weekly; before studio) 2%
Course Evaluations (End of Session) 1%

Course Summary:

Date Details Due